Venue: TAFE Wetherill Park – Zoom Meeting
Meeting Start 6.04pm May 8th 2023
All members present must sign in the LCA attendance book.
Open Meeting Chair: Terry Leeder Time: 6.42pm Date: 08/05/2023
Meeting (Live)
John Oste, Terry Leeder, Ken O’Keefe, Ian Carpenter, Scott Herning, , Peter Weatherby
Apologies: ____________________________________________________________________
Previous Minutes: May be read out by the secretory Or
Nomination that previous meeting minutes to be correct: Peter Weatherby Seconded: Scott Herning
Matters arising from the previous minutes: Items 1-12.
Item No | Agenda Item | Action/ Notes | Status |
1. | GVM – Axle Weights
Ken O’Keefe reported GVM axle weights accepted in QLD, details to be published in the “AAAA” magazine. Current ruling yet to be accepted by TFNSW & Vic Roads. Lift Kit sizes to be increased, GVM & GCM can now be undertaken on registered vehicles. (David Black TFNSW Mgr) TFNSW VSG suggest that VSB14 will have updates soon. TFNSW VSG next meeting on the 23rd May 2023. |
2. | ADR 68 – Seats Dynamic testing / Static Testing | Peter Weatherby currently working on the test equipment which has been accepted by TFNSW. However, it is a federal matter regarding ADR updates not TFNSW, anticipate this process will take a further 12 months to complete.
ADR68 effects seats in motorhomes & corporate vehicles which effects the anchorage points on the vehicle in question. Working on two presentations to be delivered over the next few weeks. Email sent to LCA members suggesting including the word intent on certificates containing ADR68 certification. |
3. | ICV,s
VSI 53 – What is a ICV Vehicle? |
Ian Davis reported that there has been no movement on VSI 53 at this point in time. TFNSW do not see this to be a major concern and have not made any further progress. However, apparently modified IVC vehicles procedures will change, vehicle evidence will not be required to be sent to TFNSW Vehicle STD,s, rather it will be the VSCCS certifiers responsibly. The certifier will also require the need to engage TFNSW Vehicle Identity to check vehicle owner as part of the certification process.
Ian Carpenter looked at the document & reported that it appears now you can fit new bodies to older vehicles. Further investigation into the document changes is required. |
4. | Road Vehicle Regulator
Still no major news from TFNSW or information or feedback from TRNSW on this subject matter.
Rover Update Peter Weatherby reported at a recent committee meeting on the Low ATM Trailers > 4.5 ATM. On 1 July 2021, new Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) legislation for trailers was introduced when the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018(RVSA) replaced the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA). 12 Month Concessional RAV entry approval to run out in June 2023. After June 2023 manufacturers and importers will require to use the Rover system for approval ATM trailers. Applications to Rover for ATM trailer approval also require that the trailer manufactures are approved & registered with Dept of Fair Trade. The ATM trailer application is quite a comprehensive process which includes the trailer design, component compliance, engineering design drawing and Quality control system. all in conjunction the relevant national road vehicle standards as stated in Rover. |
5. | Speaker Presentation
Ken O’Keefe to contact the TFNSW department to arrange a guest speaker from TFNSW, it was suggested to invite Greg Dikranian the New Senior Manager for Safer Vehicles (TRNSW) the replacement MGR now in that role.
Presentation dates to be advised. Ken O’Keefe to arrange a speaker from AAAA for the upcoming meeting. |
6. | New Objectives for 2022 – 2023
New Proposed LCA Objective Listing
Further training days a) Heavy vehicles) – Dr Air Brake Training Presentation to be prepared at TAFE programmed for May 2023. Both Terry & John have been busy and are looking into rescheduling for June 2023. – Engauge Wabco to deliver a dedicated brake training / awareness program on the Wabco smart electronic brake system at TAFE (2023 TBA) – It was suggested that Peter Weatherby may be available and able to present some information and awareness of the CTA “Component Type Approval” (Previously called SARN/CRN) documentation on heavy vehicles in particular buses. b) Crane Installation on heavy vehicles (2023 TBA) c) Light Vehicles – Greg South to deliver a presentation on the RVD system, the . best way to look up vehicle history data. John Oste to resend the information sheet on Rover RVD lookup onto Terry to be distributed by email to our members. |
7. | Emission Testing
Botany TFNSW |
Transport for NSW has approved a 6-month exemption for the emissions testing requirement for modified or individually constructed vehicles.
The original exemption had elapsed and there was some confusion whether the exemption had been extended until 30th June 2023. The TFNSW working group (VSWG ) have discussed to put the responsibility of emission testing back onto the certifier to undertake with the testing with a 5 Gas Analyser (New Equipment Cost 6K -17K). Ken suggested to TFNSW approach a government dept like TAFE to see if they might be interested in obtaining the correct equipment and provide the emission testing service. Further details to follow. |
8. | LCA Website | Further meeting held with Maharaj, John Oste to work through the various details and data requirements for the pilot presentation.
Target dates are running a little behind the proposed timeline. 1. Pilot Website presentation revised target date by 15th May for review by the executive committee. 2. Fully function website by 20th June 2023 d) Further details to follow |
9. | Lane Change & Brake testing promotion Videos | Ken reported that his is currently undertaking comparison brake testing (Bendix /Jmacx) on 79 Series Landcruiser vehicles (Boosters, Rotors, Pads) on three vehicles set up STD, Stage 1, Stage 2 suspensions.
Final testing programmed this coming week. Promotional video of these testing can be made available when completed. |
10. | New Forum LCA | TFNSW has reported the currently there are no TFNSW personnel available for these roles.
Peter Weatherby since has spoken to Greg Dikranian from TFNSW yet again and will be chasing up the MGR responsible for sending out the new letters regarding the upcoming forum. It was suggested to ask TAFE to assist in the request for the LCA Forum. Forum to be undertaken at TAFE postponed until mid or late 2024. |
11. | “AAAA” Forum Auto Care – QLD | 4 members have signed up for the upcoming Autocare show two-day National Convention “AAAA” is holding in Brisbane. The executive committee has discussed this as an agenda item as it is most important the LCA is represented in industry and at these venues. It was decided by the executive team financial support would be granted to the members attending with a donation amount for the cost of one member to attend split amongst the members attending. This donation is approximately $250 per each of the four (4) members attending. Further details to follow. | |
Correspondence | |||
12. | Changes to VSI 21. | The recent changes to the Australian Standards have affected VSI 21. The update ramp angle of 1.6 Ration has introduced various problems within the industry. These problems range from the need to articulate foldable ramps in vehicles which take up more storage space & restrict driver view, long ramp length impede into the roadway into the line of traffic at the rear & do not fit into the council allocated bays for side mounted devices. Most wheelchairs are powered, electric winches are fitted on most ramps. Report prepared by Jeff Walters, The Australian STD,s was changed without any consultation in the industry. Issue to be raised as an agenda item at the LCA Committee meeting | OPEN |
Financials | |||
13. | Treasures Report | John Oste reported in that the financials were over budget for to date for this year period 2022 -2023 by $1,911.97.
The reason of the overspend has resulted in the cost for membership with the HIVA and the upcoming LCA website.
John was not concerned as we can carry the overspend over into next year’s budget.
2021-2022 Budget $13,960 Spent $2,827.97 2022-2023 Budget $13,960 Spent $15,871.97
General Business | |||
14. | None | ||
Meeting Closed Time – 7.50pm
Next General Meeting – June 19th 2023
Next Committee Meeting – April 17th 2023